District Resources

This page contains useful information for our Scouting volunteers and youth as well as families and visitors.


Current COVID-19 guidance from BSA National can be found here.

NCAC Guidance on Returning to In-Person Scouting Activities can be found here.



The Goose Creek District Newsletter is published monthly and is mailed out on the first of each month to the District mail groups for Packs, Troops, Crews and Posts/Ships.  Past editions of the Newsletter from 2011 to now can be downloaded from the Newsletters page. Complete our online form to subscribe to the mailing list.

EMail Groups

Goose Creek District maintains a email list for our scouting community.  There are other lists for various district groups such as the District Committee, Commissioners and District events.  The monthly Goose Creek District Newsletter is always sent to all Scouting level groups; there is no separate Newsletter subscription list.

 Complete our online form to subscribe to the mailing list.


What is Roundtable?  It’s an opportunity for all Goose Creek Adult Leaders to have an equal exchange of Scouting ideas. We meet once a month to learn and discuss today’s relevant topics for Packs, Troops & Venturing Crews. Goose Creek District now holds hybrid Roundtables. Starting promptly at 7:30PM on the second Wednesday of each month (except May and July), you will find us in person at the library of Belmont Ridge Middle School, or virtually via Zoom. For the latter, please register in advance by clicking HERE. You will receive a confirmation email with details on joining the meeting. 


Function of the Advancements and Recognition Committee

Goose Creek’s Advancement and Recognition Committee (ARC) provides guidance to Unit leaders on BSA’s advancement program by:

  • Helping units establish an active advancement program through training, communications and 1-on-1 mentoring.
  • Providing assistance in Eagle Scout advancement, including the review of records and participation on Eagle Boards of Review.
  • Providing recognition to worthy Goose Creek District Scouters.

Merit Badge Counselor Lists

The ARC is also responsible for the major elements of the Merit Badge Program – recruiting, training and certifying merit badge counselors and for publishing lists of counselors.

The most recent Merit Badge Counselor Lists are posted on the Advancements & Recognition page. Please note there is an online MBC application process now in place that simplifies the process and increases the efficiency of MBC approval. Details are found on the Advancements & Recognition page. Send email to Goose Creek District Merit Badge Dean with your questions.


Unit Commissioners

As friends and counselors of adult leaders, Unit Commissioners operate in the background. They are effective communicators, providing the resources of the district and council to the units they serve and their chartered organizations. Please see the Commissioner Corner page for more details on the role of the Unit Commissioner and a list by Unit of all Unit Commissioners.

Commissioner Leadership

District Commissioner: John Blackwell
Roundtable Commissioner: Michael Capell
Unit Commissioner Teams:
  • Ashburn Service Area: 
  • Brambleton Service Area: 
  • Leesburg Service Area:
  • Potomac Falls Service Area: 
  • South Riding Service Area:
  • Sterling Service Area:
  • Western Loudoun Service Area: 


The key for any youth or adult wishing to join BSA is the Application form (one version for youth and another for  adults). The adult version also serves as the official complaint form for any parent with concerns about the way the Unit is operating. Click here to access these forms. Please work with your new Unit’s Membership Chair to be sure all fields in this form are completed correctly to avoid delays once submitted.

General information on each of BSA’s program levels can be found here.

Units throughout the District conduct a Join  Scouting Night each year. Recruiting resources for each program level, including applications and other forms, promotional materials and other helpful resources can be found here.

Information on creating a new Unit can be found here.

Please contact Goose Creek Membership Vice-Chair Dena McGuiggan for more information.


The basic premise of Scouting for youth with disabilities and special needs is that they want most to participate like other youth—and Scouting gives them that opportunity. Thus, much of the program for Scouts with disabilities and special needs is directed at (1) helping unit leaders develop an awareness of disabled people among youth without disabilities, and (2) encouraging the inclusion of Scouts with disabilities and special needs in Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Varsity Scout teams, Venturing crews, and Sea Scout ships.

Goose Creek District Special Needs Scouting representative is Allon Stern.


While BSA continuously evaluates and strengthens its Youth Protection programs, the organization recognizes that abuse can happen anywhere, even in Scouting. BSA’s safeguards include the following:

All volunteers must complete a thorough application and screening process before joining Scouting. As part of this requirement, applicants must provide references and submit to a national criminal background check. BSA’s goal is to ensure that all adult volunteers represent the values and character outlined in the Scout Oath and Scout Law and are good leaders for youth.

All volunteers are required to complete Youth Protection Training and must renew the training every two years.This training is available at my.scouting.org under the Youth Protection tab. Please review this training, it provides important information about detecting and preventing abuse, no matter where it may occur.

BSA has a mandatory reporting policy. All persons involved in Scouting shall report to local authorities any good faith suspicion or belief that any child is or has been physically or sexually abused, physically or emotionally neglected or exposed to any form of violence, threat or sexual exploitation. No person may abdicate this reporting responsibility to any other person. Youth protection/membership infractions can be reported by clicking here.