District Awards

Adult Leader Scouting Awards​

Annually, local BSA Councils and District recognize distinguished adult leaders for their service to Scouting and their support of youth in the local community. Over the next several months, the National Capital Area Council and the Burke Lake District will be soliciting award recommendations to recognize adult Scout leaders as noted below. Individuals/units wishing to submit nominations should note suspense dates and refer to the cited BSA links or contact the Burke Lake District Awards Committee Chairman, Aasgeir Gangsaas at (703) 623-0700 and cagangsaas@yahoo.com for additional information.

Silver Beaver Award

The Silver Beaver Award is made for noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth by registered Scout leaders within the jurisdiction of the local Council. The Silver Beaver is the highest Council-level award for service and is awarded on the basis of one for every 60 Scout units. Individuals nominated for the Silver Beaver must have an exceptional record of service to Scouting and youth at various levels and positions. For information and a nomination form, refer to http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/512-103_WB.pdf.

District Award of Merit

The District Award of Merit may be awarded to registered Scout leaders who render service to youth of an outstanding nature at the District level. The AoM is the highest District-level award for service and is awarded on the basis of one for every 25 Scout units. Individuals nominated for the Award of Merit should have an outstanding record of service to Scouting and youth at the District level. For information and a nomination form, refer to http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/33720.pdf.

Distinguished Patriot Scouter Award (DPSA)

The DPSA is awarded to registered Scout leaders to recognize significant service to youth at the unit/District level. It is a unique award to the Burke Lake District and is awarded on the basis of one for every 10 units. Individuals nominated for the DPSA should have a significant record of service to Scouting and youth at the unit/District level. For information and a nomination form, refer to the Patriot District Award Nomination Form.

Burke Lake Spirit Award (PSA)
The District’s PSA may be awarded to a registered Scout leader at the unit level for outstanding service at the unit-level. The recipient(s) should demonstrate a “Scouting Spirit” and excellent service at the unit-level. The PSA is a unique award to units within the Burke Lake District and is normally awarded on the basis of one for every registered unit. The recipient is selected by the unit committee and his/her name submitted to the District for issuance of the award. For information and a nomination form, refer to the Patriot District Award Nomination Form.
Minuteman Sam

A District certificate of Appreciation to acknowledge substantial contributions in the planning or conduct of District-level events, programs, or training. Award criteria will be determined by event organizers/committee chair. For information and a nomination form, refer to the Patriot District Award Nomination Form.